Keith Gillard: Christmas card 3
Keith Gillard: Christmas card 2
Keith Gillard: Christmas card front
Keith Gillard: Mommy's little bundle
Keith Gillard: Bundled up in the car
Keith Gillard: Driving in the rain
Keith Gillard: Cuddling with Guy
Keith Gillard: Maia at the play table
Keith Gillard: Table games
Keith Gillard: Day care play
Keith Gillard: Cool 14 month old
Keith Gillard: Demure 14 month old
Keith Gillard: Stretching with Keanna
Keith Gillard: Reaching for kitty
Keith Gillard: Maia loves her Nana (and her cookie)
Keith Gillard: Torin leans in for a kiss
Keith Gillard: Rolling with Torin
Keith Gillard: Three cousins, one chair
Keith Gillard: Three cousins, one phone
Keith Gillard: Snow monkey
Keith Gillard: Dinner with the youngest Palls
Keith Gillard: Bowl on her head
Keith Gillard: Mixing bowl excitement
Keith Gillard: Barbie tells a secret
Keith Gillard: Happy with her baby
Keith Gillard: Happy Maia at Cathy's
Keith Gillard: Story time at Cathy's
Keith Gillard: Cathy's cupcakes
Keith Gillard: Forget the camera, give me the cupcake
Keith Gillard: If I lick it, it's mine