GillK2012: Old man's beard - Wild Clematis III
GillK2012: Old man's beard - Wild Clematis II
GillK2012: Watching
GillK2012: Dark light II
GillK2012: January silhouettes IV
GillK2012: January silhouettes III
GillK2012: January silhouettes II
GillK2012: January silhouettes I
GillK2012: Trapped
GillK2012: In the shadows
GillK2012: Last..
GillK2012: Ebb and Flow III
GillK2012: Last light
GillK2012: Shadows
GillK2012: Ebb and flow II
GillK2012: Ebb and flow
GillK2012: Tufty
GillK2012: November silhouettes
GillK2012: Autumn silhouettes II
GillK2012: Nevermore
GillK2012: Autumn silhouettes
GillK2012: Summer silhouettes
GillK2012: Umbellifer III
GillK2012: White Light II
GillK2012: Further away
GillK2012: Tangled IV
GillK2012: Tangled III
GillK2012: Tangled II
GillK2012: Tangled