gilesbooth: DSCF8658
gilesbooth: DSCF8659
gilesbooth: DSCF8660
gilesbooth: DSCF8661
gilesbooth: DSCF8662
gilesbooth: DSCF8663
gilesbooth: acoustic coupler
gilesbooth: DSCF8665
gilesbooth: DSCF8666
gilesbooth: NeXT station
gilesbooth: DSCF8671
gilesbooth: World Wide Web on a NeXT station
gilesbooth: order a pizza - online!
gilesbooth: DSCF8676
gilesbooth: before Google...
gilesbooth: KylieUltra on a 20th Anniversary Macintosh
gilesbooth: KylieUltra
gilesbooth: Bondi blue baby
gilesbooth: too orangey for crows
gilesbooth: Susan Kare panorama
gilesbooth: "I'd have had the pink one"
gilesbooth: blue iMac
gilesbooth: check out the CRT on that...
gilesbooth: DSCF8691
gilesbooth: clamshell iBook
gilesbooth: eboy London
gilesbooth: ASCII art web cam
gilesbooth: code by Tilly
gilesbooth: I is an alpaca