gilesbooth: Lego Raspberry Pi case
gilesbooth: Day 3 in the Raspberry Pi House
gilesbooth: Gimp running on a Raspberry Pi
gilesbooth: Debian Squeeze running on Raspberry Pi
gilesbooth: Debian Squeeze on Raspberry Pi
gilesbooth: Fedora Remix on Raspberry Pi
gilesbooth: Raspberry Pi
gilesbooth: Raspberry Pi est arrivée!
gilesbooth: Comparison of RS and Farnell Raspberry Pi packaging
gilesbooth: 2 different Pis - RS (left) and Farnell (right)
gilesbooth: fridge gizmo takes shape
gilesbooth: Tiny USB wifi adaptor for Raspberry Pi
gilesbooth: Behold the mighty FridgeGizmo! Er, not on the fridge. Yet.
gilesbooth: spectrum vs pi
gilesbooth: MiPiBow
gilesbooth: RaspBMC on a RaspberryPi
gilesbooth: BBC iPlayer working on a RaspberryPi
gilesbooth: Testing shorts
gilesbooth: The Little Box of Poems is getting a Raspberry Pi filling
gilesbooth: Injecting a Pi filling to my Box o'Poems
gilesbooth: Making progress
gilesbooth: Controlling Raspberry Pi from iPhone SSH client 'Prompt' - currently on sale at £1.49
gilesbooth: Circuit diagram
gilesbooth: random poems
gilesbooth: connecting a thermal printer & button to Raspberry Pi
gilesbooth: Box of Tricks
gilesbooth: Minecraft running on our Raspberry Pi
gilesbooth: Minecraft running on our @raspberry_pi on an old portable CRT TV
gilesbooth: William thoroughly testing Minecraft on @Raspberry_pi
gilesbooth: Raspberry Pi boot screen text coming out of printer