Laura Gilchrist: What the participants indicated they most wanted to@talk about. Parentcamp Washington Elementary.
Laura Gilchrist: Parentcamp Washington Elementary Teachers & Community Leaders! #ParentCampWESfamily
Laura Gilchrist: Crowdsourced Van Gogh art. Parentcamp Washington Elementary
Laura Gilchrist: This is the very spot where all-school daily morning meetings occur at Washington Elementary!!
Laura Gilchrist: This is the ART room at WES--one of 3 rooms where kids will be having fun while parents are talking at ParentCamp.
Laura Gilchrist: This was carved from a tree that used to be on the grounds of Washington Elementary!
Laura Gilchrist: ParentCamp Washington Elementary | Session 1 (just one of 8 choices/session)
Laura Gilchrist: ParentCamp Washington Elementary
Laura Gilchrist: Parents talking after Parentcamp about Parentcamp experience and the future.
Laura Gilchrist: Post #ParentCampWESfamily families in the cafeteria