Laura Gilchrist: MALE Purple Ash Tree FLOWERS (leaves not out yet)
Laura Gilchrist: Pin Oak miniature leaves plus hanging flowers (pistillate/male catkins)
Laura Gilchrist: Pin Oak miniature leaves ❤️
Laura Gilchrist: Red Maple is leafing out. Mid April KC. 2019.
Laura Gilchrist: Early spring tREeproducer: Red Maple has flowered and produced seeds—and the leaves are just now showing up to the party.
Laura Gilchrist: Red Maple seeds (samaras; helicopters) are already produced and it’s only April 16, 2019.
Laura Gilchrist: Redbud tree 2019.04.16 Since it’s in full flower now it has not produced seeds yet. Leaves are just beginning to pop out.
Laura Gilchrist: Freshmen and Seniors | Redbud Tree High School