Laura Gilchrist:
EdcampKC Logo 2015
Laura Gilchrist:
The Rooms are "EDCAMP READY" -- for conversation!
Laura Gilchrist:
#moedchat #edcampKC questions
Laura Gilchrist:
Ocean & Sea LA-KC-NY Sticker
Laura Gilchrist:
EdcampKC 2015--2 shirts to raffle off!
Laura Gilchrist:
Chris from Westside Storey--THANK YOU!
Laura Gilchrist:
Conversation about EdcampKC 2015!
Laura Gilchrist:
#EdcampKC High Five. Bitmoji!
Laura Gilchrist:
#EDcampKC: It was AWESOME! We talked w/ #Edcamp Foundation Executive Director @hadleyjf --she is inspiring & fun! Hadley flew in from Philly. TY TY 💙🎉 #edcampkc #kcedu @edcampusa
Laura Gilchrist:
The one and only Kristina Peters!
Laura Gilchrist:
The innovative & collaborative Max Lamb (Grain Valley) and Brad Moser (Belton) look cool when they talk. #theydidntposeforthis #ordidthey? 😄
Laura Gilchrist:
THS Week of 11-9-15
Laura Gilchrist:
Lunchtime at #edcampkc! #foodtrucks #foodcourt #autumn #edcamp #conversation #instakc #kcigers
Laura Gilchrist:
EdcampKC giveaways: Congrats to a few of our #edcampkc prize winners. Polar 3D Printer, 2 Go Pros (@zeemeeapp), Kauffman Stadium print, and a #BreakoutEdu box!! Thanks to all people/businesses who donated items for our fun end-of-the-day raffle.
Laura Gilchrist:
EdcampKC: Collisions are a beautiful thing
Laura Gilchrist:
Coffee. My go to every day.
Laura Gilchrist:
Yay Tim Vesco!!
Laura Gilchrist:
Go Pro winners. Thanks ZeeMee!!
Laura Gilchrist:
Hella BBQ Food Truck!
Laura Gilchrist:
Great convo with Pre-service Teacher Laurel!
Laura Gilchrist:
Food Truck Funnel Cake Tower...of goodness!
Laura Gilchrist:
PABs Food Truck KC!
Laura Gilchrist:
Food Truck fun at #edcampKC!
Laura Gilchrist:
Food Truck fun!
Laura Gilchrist:
EdcampKC does lunch Food Truck style
Laura Gilchrist:
Food truck fare!
Laura Gilchrist:
PAB's Food Truck KC!
Laura Gilchrist:
PAB' Philly and Funnel Cakes Treats!!
Laura Gilchrist:
Kristina Peters watches a group dubsmash :)
Laura Gilchrist:
Session board for room 204. #edcampKC