Laura Gilchrist: Getting close to Missouri Organic Composting! Wide open space in Liberty, MO.
Laura Gilchrist: I made it! MIssouri Organic is to the left. You can see the small parking lot and the rows upon rows of compost in various stages!
Laura Gilchrist: Missouri Organic | View across the ROWS of food waste turning into compost--in different stages in the 10 week journey! My trip to Missouri Organic: KC COMPOSTING IN ACTION
Laura Gilchrist: Missouri Organic | Compost rows
Laura Gilchrist: Missouri Organic | Food waste is placed in middle top along each row and is then turned regularly. TAKES 10 WEEKS to biodegrade and break down into compost. Compost is NOT SOIL--you mix it with soil!!
Laura Gilchrist: Missouri Organic | View across the rows of compost in various stages of the 10 week process where food waste is added to center of each row and turned regularly. Notice the non-biodegradeable stuff and the color of the rows.
Laura Gilchrist: Missouri Organic | Rows of food waste turning into compost. Can you see how the rows are darker the further back you go?
Laura Gilchrist: My trip to Missouri Organic: COMPOSTING IN ACTION
Laura Gilchrist: Missouri Organic | NON-Biodegradeable stuff that will need to be filtered out in final step. It will not turn into compost.
Laura Gilchrist: Missouri Organic | Non biodegradable items in compost rows.
Laura Gilchrist: Missouri Organic | You've always heard food waste got hot as it turned to compost?? PROOF!! STEAMING HOT COMPOST being picked up for delivery across the complex to the grinder/separator!! CAN YOU SAY 160 degrees plus?!
Laura Gilchrist: Missouri Organic | The final step!! 10 week old compost is placed in middle of blue filters out the NON-biodegradabel materials to the left in the big barrel and grinds up the compost and shoots it out to the right! My trip to Missouri Organ
Laura Gilchrist: Missouri Organic | Here you see the 10 week old compost being placed in for separating and grinding! The entire section to left with tarp is for separating out NON-biodegradable items. My trip to Missouri Organic: COMPOSTING IN ACTION
Laura Gilchrist: Missouri Organic | In the swirling round barrel to the left, the plastics and metals are flying and jostling around. They are filtered out, sent up the chute to the left and collected into other bins for recycling or landfill, depending on item. My trip t
Laura Gilchrist: Missouri Organic | You're looking at FULL CIRCLE, folks---SOIL to PLATE to SOIL. (This WAS foodwaste, leaves, grass!! Now it is rich compost and will be added back to soil!) NOTE: You cannot plant in straight compost. Must add to dirt (rock particles) fi
Laura Gilchrist: Missouri Organic | Zoom out again. Where the food waste goes full circle! Ready for grinding and separating of non-biodegradable pieces from compost. ~We've had a lot of rain! My trip to Missouri Organic: COMPOSTING IN ACTION
Laura Gilchrist: Missouri Organic | This is below the tarp where the heavier metal non-biodegradable objects/pieces fly down.
Laura Gilchrist: Missouri Organic | Missouri Organic sees lots of THROWN AWAY silverware filtered out from food waste that has turned to compost. Some workplace lunchrooms they pick up from show that employees will throw out their silverware, daily.
Laura Gilchrist: Missouri Organic | Non-Biodegradable stuff. Lots of metal down here. Plastic is in a different spot. LOTS OF DISCARDED SILVERWARE? WOW!
Laura Gilchrist: One of the trucks that picks up food waste around Kansas CIty and beyond, even in Lawrence, KS!
Laura Gilchrist: Missouri Organic Truck Logo!
Laura Gilchrist: Trucks come in here and go to the rows for drop off. Note: Missouri Organic ALSO processes BRUSH into mulch, another ecofriendly service for our city. Thus, you'll see trucks with food waste, leaves and grass--necessary part of composting rows, as well a
Laura Gilchrist: Missouri Organic: The trucks that pick up food waste for composting
Laura Gilchrist: My trip to Missouri Organic: COMPOSTING IN ACTION