Laura Gilchrist: Josh Allen kicks off #edcampomaha! Smiles all around!
Laura Gilchrist: The EdcampOmaha Spaceship...!!
Laura Gilchrist: Professional Development Shareout. Inspired PD going on at your schools. Document compiled during session; excellent things happening in many midwest districts.
Laura Gilchrist: Sessions in Room 302!
Laura Gilchrist: Sessions in Room 303 EdcampOmaha 2014!
Laura Gilchrist: The lively n lovely Kristina Peters, amazing #edcampOMAHA organizer! Genuine, fun, ... and love her hair! #edcampselfie
Laura Gilchrist: This guy tells the best stories; has a way of making ppl feel cared for, valued!--> EPaoPao @epaopao #edcampOMAHA #edcampselfie
Laura Gilchrist: EPaoPao pondering life....edcamps. :)
Laura Gilchrist: 1/2: Normal pic! These crazy educators showed up at my "Be a Camera-Toting Teacher" session....and this happened. :) I'm still smiling! See next picture. -->
Laura Gilchrist: 2/2: FUN pic. These crazy educators showed up at my "Be a Camera-Toting Teacher" session....and this happened. :) I'm still smiling! 81/365 edcamps; teacher voice; teacher choice...all for the greater good of kids and community. #edugood
Laura Gilchrist: Toby Brown shares some Edcamp cheer!
Laura Gilchrist: Future Edcamps!
Laura Gilchrist: 1/2 Tell us your Twitter! Some of the educators in the vibrant EdcampOmaha learning community today!
Laura Gilchrist: 2/2 Tell us your Twitter! Some of the educators in the vibrant EdcampOmaha learning community today!
Laura Gilchrist: EdcampOmaha Carpet. #patterns
Laura Gilchrist: Surprise photo on camera roll. I'll go with it. #texture #grassstillinwintermode
Laura Gilchrist: Kicking my feet up in the green, comfy chairs at EdcampOmaha. #worldfamous :)
Laura Gilchrist: Sapp Brothers Tower between Omaha and KC on I-29!
Laura Gilchrist: My Most recent Edcamp! My next Edcamp!