Laura Gilchrist:
8:15 morning view of the Nelson-Atkins: #edcampKC Nov 9th -- 67 degrees and sunny was unbelievable forecast.
Laura Gilchrist:
Sign crafted by Adrienne Lalli-Hills of the Nelson Atkins!
Laura Gilchrist:
2 #edcampKC learners on the front lawn of the Nelson. (Connecting and Photographing)
Laura Gilchrist:
#edcampKC t-shirt!
Laura Gilchrist:
Your #edcampKC Lead Learners yukking it up for the camera. :) (Be proud. LOL.) We had THE BEST time arranging OUR day of learning at the @nelsonatkins! THANK YOU NELSON ATKINS STAFF! You are a true gift to our #kansascity #community since you help bring k
Laura Gilchrist:
Before the rush of arriving learners!
Laura Gilchrist:
Nelson-Atkins Bloch Lobby
Laura Gilchrist:
Before the mad rush of #edcampKC learning community comes in the glass doors....things are ready! Startup
Laura Gilchrist:
Welcome! The very start of the check-in at #edcampKC at the Nelson Atkins Museum!
Laura Gilchrist:
We asked everyone to be there at 9am....and we think they ALL were. :)
Laura Gilchrist:
"I went to a museum and an edcamp broke out! #edcampkc" @wmchamberlain on Twitter
Laura Gilchrist:
Two #nkcsedu colleagues starting the day off with laughter!
Laura Gilchrist:
#edcampKC 2013 learners looking colorful and bright.
Laura Gilchrist:
2 friends from way back! #edcampKC
Laura Gilchrist:
Aquila Court: #edcampKC TECH CAFE location complete with fountain (Yes, it will be ON!) Pull up a camp chair from the hallway!
Laura Gilchrist:
Long Hallway
Laura Gilchrist:
UP the Nelson Atkins and a world of wonder! #edcampkc
Laura Gilchrist:
Free photography books the Nelson made available for educators at #edcampKC
Laura Gilchrist:
Chris and I
Laura Gilchrist:
#edcampKC organizing team! Laura and Kyle
Laura Gilchrist:
New Friends at #edcampKC!
Laura Gilchrist:
Don't forget to fill out your official Raffle Ticket!!
Laura Gilchrist:
Filling out his official #edcampKC raffle ticket!
Laura Gilchrist:
EdcampKC 2013 Near and dear to my heart these 4 amazing educators, colleagues and friends!
Laura Gilchrist:
Ready for a great day of choice-based learning--#edcamp Style!
Laura Gilchrist:
#edcampKC ERC: Educator Resource Center in the Nelson. AMAZING resource!
Laura Gilchrist:
Laura Gilchrist:
The sign up board in progress
Laura Gilchrist:
Checking out sessions as they emerge...
Laura Gilchrist:
Checking out session boards!