Laura Gilchrist: Brushing up on the 'tweets'
Laura Gilchrist: Eastern Bluebird eggs in a nestbox!
Laura Gilchrist: Bluebird nestbox at Bell Prairie Elementary!
Laura Gilchrist: Bluebird silhouette Hartell Lakes CA
Laura Gilchrist: Binocular view
Laura Gilchrist: Binocular explore
Laura Gilchrist: Binoculars in the classroom!
Laura Gilchrist: Binoculars in hand. In the classroom!
Laura Gilchrist: Binocular Bonanza
Laura Gilchrist: 3 Amigos
Laura Gilchrist: Barred Owl peering down from tree at me
Laura Gilchrist: Barred Owl zzzzz
Laura Gilchrist: Barred Owl
Laura Gilchrist: Mute Swan candid (May 10/365)
Laura Gilchrist: Barn Swallow nest (May 4/365)
Laura Gilchrist: Eastern Bluebird nestlings at Staley High School/Bell Prairie Elementary School (April 26/365)
Laura Gilchrist: I will call you a Red-winged Blackbird!
Laura Gilchrist: Pelican @ Squaw Creek NWR
Laura Gilchrist: Pelican @ Squaw Creek NWR
Laura Gilchrist: Yellow-bellied Sapsucker holes 1
Laura Gilchrist: P1080465
Laura Gilchrist: P1080468
Laura Gilchrist: Snowy owl
Laura Gilchrist: Look at that Snowy Owl in the field in Smithville, MO! (2008)
Laura Gilchrist: Yellow-breasted Chat 2009
Laura Gilchrist: Green Heron perched in a tree
Laura Gilchrist: Turkey Vultures flyin round the moon!
Laura Gilchrist: Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Kansas City, 4-7-13
Laura Gilchrist: American White Pelicans, Kansas City, 4-7-13
Laura Gilchrist: American White Pelicans, Kansas City, 4-7-13