gilbo65: Vancouver, BC
gilbo65: The Vancouver Rowing Club, from Coal Harbor. Vancouver, BC
gilbo65: Looking out to the North Shore from Coal Harbour, Vancouver, BC
gilbo65: Morning Sun, Vancouver, BC
gilbo65: Looking for Killer Whales. Vancouver, BC
gilbo65: Killer Whale (Orcinus orca ), Gulf and San Juan Islands. Vancouver, BC
gilbo65: Transient Killer Whales (Orcinus orca), Gulf and San Juan Islands. Vancouver, BC
gilbo65: Transient Killer Whale (Orcinus orca), Gulf and San Juan Islands. Vancouver, BC
gilbo65: Vancouver Whale Watch sister ship - Explorathor II
gilbo65: Steveston Village. Vancouver, BC
gilbo65: Through the fountains at Stanley Park. Vancouver, BC
gilbo65: Flotsam in Stanley Park. Vancouver, BC
gilbo65: Lewis running in water in Stanley Park. Vancouver, BC
gilbo65: Heron Fishing. Stanley Park, Vancouver, BC
gilbo65: My boys at Beaver Lake, Stanley Park. Vancouver, BC
gilbo65: The Fairmont Vancouver swimming level. Vancouver, BC
gilbo65: Whistler, BC
gilbo65: Shannon Falls, BC
gilbo65: Snow capped mountains in July, BC
gilbo65: Alexander Falls, BC
gilbo65: Lewis, Whistler Downhill Bike Park, BC
gilbo65: Miles, Whistler Downhill Bike Park, BC
gilbo65: Lewis, Whistler Downhill Bike Park, BC
gilbo65: Miles, Whistler Downhill Bike Park, BC
gilbo65: Lewis Crusing Whistler Downhill Bike Park, BC
gilbo65: Lewis at the bottom of Whistler Downhill Bike Park, BC
gilbo65: Lost Lake, Whistler, BC
gilbo65: Green Lake, Whistler, BC
gilbo65: Miles on a 29er, Whistler, BC
gilbo65: Water on a hot day