Jasper's Human: Crazy Eyes
Jasper's Human: The soul of a playful dog
Jasper's Human: The Frisbee Hook
Jasper's Human: Locked On
Jasper's Human: Leaping Leprechauns! (11/52)
Jasper's Human: Dashing Leprechaun
Jasper's Human: Schreeeeeech
Jasper's Human: A gift from Grandma
Jasper's Human: Make your move, human!
Jasper's Human: Late afternoon frisbee fun
Jasper's Human: It's up there, Dad!
Jasper's Human: He's a player
Jasper's Human: 16/52 Backyard Blast
Jasper's Human: Ring in the ChuckIt
Jasper's Human: The OddBaller
Jasper's Human: Good times for good boys
Jasper's Human: Let the festivities continue...
Jasper's Human: Hop. Skip. Jump. Chomp.
Jasper's Human: Front paws extended, rear paws pointed. That's it! That's it!
Jasper's Human: Reunited and it feels so good
Jasper's Human: Just try to get Lemur
Jasper's Human: The Wide Receiver
Jasper's Human: Play. With. Me!
Jasper's Human: Fun Times
Jasper's Human: The eyes have it
Jasper's Human: The Birthday Boy
Jasper's Human: Attempted Chomp
Jasper's Human: When Dogs Fly
Jasper's Human: The Hot Playboy
Jasper's Human: Mother! Back AWAY from Harry Hammerhead!