Gil B: Crowds in Munich's main plaza
Gil B: In subway station, en route to game...
Gil B: En route to game
Gil B: German supports are ready
Gil B: Surrounded by local fans
Gil B: Germany vs. Sweden
Gil B: My brother and Amit
Gil B: In front of the official England team bus
Gil B: My brother, Amit and I
Gil B: En-ger-land!
Gil B: The stadium in Stuttgart
Gil B: The national anthems: England vs. Ecuador
Gil B: Open play
Gil B: Beckham's free kick that won the match...
Gil B: Aherad of the match
Gil B: The nationa anthems: Italy vs. Australia
Gil B: The penalty kick in the 95th minute...
Gil B: Italian celebrations
Gil B: My father and I
Gil B: Jim and I
Gil B: Brazilian fans are getting excited...
Gil B: David and I
Gil B: The Ben-Artzy men
Gil B: Jim and I
Gil B: Brazilian crowd
Gil B: The national anthem: Brazil vs. Ghana
Gil B: The pre-game huddle
Gil B: The stadium
Gil B: a through-ball by Ronaldinho
Gil B: Brazil celebrating their third goal