gijsbregt: Milan!!
gijsbregt: Where the golum of Prague lives
gijsbregt: Simple crucifix
gijsbregt: Pregothic window
gijsbregt: Holy man holding a child
gijsbregt: Powder tower
gijsbregt: Community house dome
gijsbregt: Community house
gijsbregt: Jugendstil and wrought iron
gijsbregt: Intense decorations
gijsbregt: Prague Hilton boys
gijsbregt: Portico
gijsbregt: Orthodox church
gijsbregt: Orthodox holy man
gijsbregt: Houses or palaces?
gijsbregt: On the podium
gijsbregt: Banks of the Moldau
gijsbregt: Just ahead of me
gijsbregt: Waving to Milan
gijsbregt: Slightly overdressed for the 14C and sun
gijsbregt: In action on the banks of the Moldau
gijsbregt: The Moldau
gijsbregt: Prague boulevard views
gijsbregt: 16 km crossing the palace bridge
gijsbregt: 17 km and going strong
gijsbregt: Brigthuys shirt
gijsbregt: After the run
gijsbregt: Milan and me with pivo
gijsbregt: Milan and Boris
gijsbregt: Church decoration