G I Jodes: Bee in flight.
G I Jodes: White men can jump.
G I Jodes: Saturday Night Fever.
G I Jodes: another delivery on its way.
G I Jodes: This time i'll do it.
G I Jodes: I'll look cool if you don't hold my hand.
G I Jodes: Nearly stacked it.
G I Jodes: Cool,let's do that again.
G I Jodes: Those showbag's look alright.
G I Jodes: My grandson at his favourite place,the skate park.
G I Jodes: Wow,your beautiful can i take a photo.
G I Jodes: Just riding the waves.
G I Jodes: We can move this ship.
G I Jodes: Kite surfing 2.
G I Jodes: Kite surfing 1.
G I Jodes: It's show time 2.
G I Jodes: It's show time 1.
G I Jodes: It's show time 3.
G I Jodes: Black swans.
G I Jodes: I'll show yous the rest of the river tomorrow.
G I Jodes: Bee in flight 2.
G I Jodes: Corella in flight.
G I Jodes: Hope i have a safe landing.
G I Jodes: Pink and Grey Galah's.
G I Jodes: Galah 2.
G I Jodes: Amazing.
G I Jodes: Happiness.
G I Jodes: Festival fun.
G I Jodes: Festival fun 2.
G I Jodes: Concentrating.