blackthorne56: P4260117
blackthorne56: P4260123
blackthorne56: P4260127
blackthorne56: P4260129
blackthorne56: P4260130
blackthorne56: P4260133
blackthorne56: P4260135
blackthorne56: P4260141b
blackthorne56: the Olive Garden
blackthorne56: Yesterday in downtown portland.
blackthorne56: Yesterday in downtown portland.
blackthorne56: Yesterday in downtown portland.
blackthorne56: Yesterday in downtown portland.
blackthorne56: Sign from Sprouse Reitz Store, Carmel, California
blackthorne56: P6211578b
blackthorne56: Single Roses
blackthorne56: P6211580b
blackthorne56: P6211582b
blackthorne56: P6211587b
blackthorne56: Restored Detail, New Market Theatre, Portland, Oregon
blackthorne56: I think I saw a Unicorn. Time to stop drinking.
blackthorne56: Old town China town mural
blackthorne56: Filbert Trees
blackthorne56: She relaxes so easily.
blackthorne56: Artichokes
blackthorne56: Cottonwood fibers.
blackthorne56: Japanese Maple
blackthorne56: Art work on display at the Cup & Saucer Cafe on Denver Avenue, Portland, Oregon
blackthorne56: I'll Take a Bath Later.