giggirl 1: 32/365 Liquid sunshine no Internet so having to upload from my phone for next couple of days until the new router arrives.
giggirl 1: 33/365 now have Internet again yay! 0
giggirl 1: 34/365
giggirl 1: St Ives 35/365
giggirl 1: 36/365 It's cold brrrrr this was at about 5.30pm last night.
giggirl 1: 37/365 We had snow in Cornwall today but not enough for a lovely snowy scene.
giggirl 1: Yumm 38/365
giggirl 1: 39/365 Scruffy has a poorly paw so has been resting it a lot and sleeping more than normal.
giggirl 1: 40 /365 St Michael's Mount
giggirl 1: 41/365 Tulips
giggirl 1: 42/365 Spice
giggirl 1: 43/365
giggirl 1: 44/365
giggirl 1: 45/365 Happy valentines day
giggirl 1: 46/365 Toasted crumpets
giggirl 1: 47/365
giggirl 1: 48/365
giggirl 1: 49/365
giggirl 1: 50/365 Sunshine in a vase.
giggirl 1: 51/365
giggirl 1: 52/365
giggirl 1: 53/365
giggirl 1: 54/365 Motorway sunset at 70mph
giggirl 1: 55/365
giggirl 1: 56/365 After glow Road shot on the way home.
giggirl 1: 57/365
giggirl 1: 58/365
giggirl 1: 59/365 Snow in Penzance!