giggirl 1: 26166452_10155988831539715_1339049960868316122_n
giggirl 1: Day 2 2/365 House of colds.
giggirl 1: Drink me. 3/365
giggirl 1: When you feel awful feet up cuppa and open some Xmas chocs. 4/365
giggirl 1: 5/365 Forgot to post yesterday the brain fog from the cold has taken over but was taking pics yesterday to post on ebay new year clear out.
giggirl 1: 6/365 Double flower on my hibiscus
giggirl 1: 7/365 Scruffy chilling last min photo as have been feeling awful all day and haven't had any energy to do anything.
giggirl 1: Meet Ginger my new friend who has been a god send recently. Mind you there will be less of her as the week proceeds. 8/365
giggirl 1: 9/365 still holed up at home with this flu virus so finding it hard to keep focused but hopefully will soon be out with my camera again.
giggirl 1: 10/365
giggirl 1: 11/365
giggirl 1: 12/365 Mr Potato Head
giggirl 1: 13/365 Today I had my first attempt at needle felting attended a course and there were several wide mouthed frogs at the end of 3 hrs.
giggirl 1: 14/365 Scruffy
giggirl 1: 2018-01-15_08-12-41
giggirl 1: 16/365
giggirl 1: 17/365 Work in progress
giggirl 1: 18/365
giggirl 1: 19/365 St Michael's Mount
giggirl 1: 20/365 This beautiful ring was given to me by a friend she creates amazing jewellery. #salemslot
giggirl 1: 21/365 Mr Fox another needle felt creation.
giggirl 1: Left overs 22/365
giggirl 1: 23/365 Scruffy my helper.
giggirl 1: 24/365
giggirl 1: Scruffy 25/365
giggirl 1: 26/365
giggirl 1: 27/365
giggirl 1: 28/365
giggirl 1: 29/365 don't know how I forgot to upload this one.
giggirl 1: Scruffy 30/365