Cliff's Photography, Welcome to my stream!: DSC03080 Two-Stripped Grasshopper (One Leg Missing)
Cliff's Photography, Welcome to my stream!: DSC03072 Two-Stripped Grasshopper
Cliff's Photography, Welcome to my stream!: DSC03067 Two-Stripped Grasshopper
Cliff's Photography, Welcome to my stream!: DSC01640 Black Saddleback Dragonfly
Cliff's Photography, Welcome to my stream!: DSC01635 Black Saddleback Dragonfly
Cliff's Photography, Welcome to my stream!: DSC01633 Black Saddleback Dragonfly
Cliff's Photography, Welcome to my stream!: _DSC3611 Ebony Jewelwing (Calopteryx maculata)
Cliff's Photography, Welcome to my stream!: _DSC3611 Ebony Jewelwing (Calopteryx maculata)
Cliff's Photography, Welcome to my stream!: DSC00379 Yellow and Black Mud Daubers Wasp in flight
Cliff's Photography, Welcome to my stream!: DSC00342 Yellow and Black Mud Daubers Wasp
Cliff's Photography, Welcome to my stream!: DSC00234 Yellow and Black Mud Daubers Wasp
Cliff's Photography, Welcome to my stream!: DSC00220 Organ-Pipe Mud Dauber Wasp,,Trypoxylon politum
Cliff's Photography, Welcome to my stream!: DSC00210 Organ-pipe Mud Dauber Wasp
Cliff's Photography, Welcome to my stream!: DSC00172 Organ-pipe Mud Dauber
Cliff's Photography, Welcome to my stream!: DSC00167 Yellow and Black Mud Dauber Wasp
Cliff's Photography, Welcome to my stream!: DSC00166 Yellow and Black Mud Dauber Wasp
Cliff's Photography, Welcome to my stream!: DSC00924 Male Carpenter Bee (Male carpenter bees have white, or cream-color spot on their heads between mandibles, and they appear to have a white “nose” on the face. A female carpenter bee does not have the spot.
Cliff's Photography, Welcome to my stream!: DSC00923 Male Carpenter Bee (Male carpenter bees have a white, or cream-color spot on their heads between mandibles, and they appear to have a white “nose” on the face. A female carpenter bee does not have the spot)
Cliff's Photography, Welcome to my stream!: 2011-09-22 001 073 Monarch loving the nectar of a clover blossom
Cliff's Photography, Welcome to my stream!: 2011-09-22 001 050 Notice one wing is alluminated by the sun.