Gideon Abbott:
A Figure Rides a Wave of other Figures
Gideon Abbott:
Photograph of Burnt Sienna and Intense Blue
Gideon Abbott:
Figures at Play and Work
Gideon Abbott:
Windsor Green Indian Yellow Vermillion (People falling from Clouds to become Trees)
Gideon Abbott:
Photograph of Permanent Rose and Sienna
Gideon Abbott:
Burnt Umber Burnt Sienna and Primary Colors
Gideon Abbott:
PhotograpA Figure Falling from Clouds to become a Tree
Gideon Abbott:
Three Figures in Geometric Patterns
Gideon Abbott:
Photograph of Yellow and Indigo
Gideon Abbott:
Photograph of Sienna, Blue, Olive Green, and Red (the goddess)
Gideon Abbott:
Photograph of Burnt Sienna and Primary Colors
Gideon Abbott:
Two Figures Combine in a Dance Above and Two Figures Combine in a Dance Below
Gideon Abbott:
Everything Converges
Gideon Abbott:
Figures in Circles
Gideon Abbott:
Figures in Circles and a Figure in Blue
Gideon Abbott:
Figures of Red and Blue Green
Gideon Abbott:
Figures Unbalanced