giddygirlie: why didn't I ever think of chocolate sprinkles on toast?!!!
giddygirlie: pork fu -- they also had giant tubs of it.
giddygirlie: jackfruit. in syrup! get it?
giddygirlie: ha ha ha! this is a classy dick joke.
giddygirlie: half in english and half in squibbly
giddygirlie: hey, he likes it!
giddygirlie: i love the use of caption bubbles. And cereals powder.
giddygirlie: "Poetry of Taste"
giddygirlie: glass jelly! delicious! and sharp!!
giddygirlie: grass jelly
giddygirlie: milk peanuts. With a cow sitting in it.
giddygirlie: grass jelly - drink?
giddygirlie: how do you drink jelly exactly?
giddygirlie: ching poo!
giddygirlie: hey song sasaparilla!
giddygirlie: hello boss! you are an italian stereotype!
giddygirlie: call girls charge extra for this same thing!
giddygirlie: yoghurt flavored soda. um. no thanks.
giddygirlie: every lunch pail needs some of this
giddygirlie: more jelly drinks! with reclosable lids!
giddygirlie: IMG_0704
giddygirlie: that sir, is RACIST!
giddygirlie: hello panda! how are you?
giddygirlie: break them open to see their guts
giddygirlie: squid! phallic squid!
giddygirlie: fish cake looks more like fish puke
giddygirlie: balls by the pound!
giddygirlie: IMG_0697
giddygirlie: IMG_0696