andybreeding: Donna at breakfast
andybreeding: Jamie working on the stuffing
andybreeding: Video - Christmas yankee swap is about to start
andybreeding: Sue by the tree
andybreeding: I thought this would be a good picture of Jamie but I took it with the sun at his back
andybreeding: Here is my attempt at correcting the exposure with Pixelmator
andybreeding: Kelsey gearing up to hand some presents out
andybreeding: Sheila and Lindsay
andybreeding: The cool tool gift of the year
andybreeding: Tim approves of his Buddy Holly tribute CD
andybreeding: Lindsay donning a new wind shirt/jacket
andybreeding: Lindsay tackling Sheila's fancy bow
andybreeding: David, Donna, and Tim. Tim likes his Rutgers jersey.
andybreeding: Sue showing off her Beetle calendar
andybreeding: Jamie and Sheila
andybreeding: Lindsay and Sue
andybreeding: The Silver Lake ornament is looking good on the tree
andybreeding: My "object d'art" has found a new home
andybreeding: Game time!
andybreeding: the pieces are in play
andybreeding: one, two, three, four, I declare a thumb war!
andybreeding: Asparagus nicoise - Yum!
andybreeding: The table is set
andybreeding: The Wellington roast beast - thanks Tim!
andybreeding: Yes, I am wearing my crown (:^)
andybreeding: pretty little glass - soon to be filled with Bailey's