andybreeding: Clearing out Kate's studio area
andybreeding: A plate of many colors
andybreeding: The team makes short work of it
andybreeding: Kate's studio mate's work
andybreeding: The Liberal Cup (runneth over)
andybreeding: Downtown Hallowell
andybreeding: The peanut gallery
andybreeding: Colby was decked out for the graduation
andybreeding: View from the peanut gallery
andybreeding: Having fun in the queue
andybreeding: A hat's eye view
andybreeding: A stretch break was needed..
andybreeding: View from the rear
andybreeding: Graduates headed for the podium
andybreeding: Cool roof shot
andybreeding: Switch heading up to get her diploma
andybreeding: A proud papa looking on
andybreeding: Kate's turn
andybreeding: What was this all about?
andybreeding: Truly the final stretch
andybreeding: Dignatories and officials in the shade
andybreeding: Cheering the class of 2008
andybreeding: Behold the sheepskin!
andybreeding: The obligatory family shot
andybreeding: Mike and Anne
andybreeding: Grads all posing for pics with their families
andybreeding: In line for lunch
andybreeding: Still in line for lunch
andybreeding: The best seats in the house weren't seats at all