giantkillerrobot: Underwater Clowns
giantkillerrobot: Small Bommies
giantkillerrobot: Where are my frickin lasers?
giantkillerrobot: Red Lionfish
giantkillerrobot: Striped Tang
giantkillerrobot: Christmastree_worm
giantkillerrobot: Yellow Soft Coral
giantkillerrobot: Coral Sweetlips
giantkillerrobot: Potato Cod
giantkillerrobot: Looking up into the frenzy at the sharkfeed
giantkillerrobot: Porcelain Crab
giantkillerrobot: Photographing the photographer
giantkillerrobot: lionfish_3
giantkillerrobot: Giant Clam
giantkillerrobot: landscape_3
giantkillerrobot: Reefscape
giantkillerrobot: Cod at cleaner wrasse station
giantkillerrobot: Anemonie Shrimp
giantkillerrobot: Flare Point Coralscape