giantjeansparlor: Under my desk
giantjeansparlor: Playing in the sun
giantjeansparlor: The cute! It's painful!
giantjeansparlor: Napping in the sun
giantjeansparlor: Making his move
giantjeansparlor: Under my desk
giantjeansparlor: With my hand, for size comparison
giantjeansparlor: An attempted portrait
giantjeansparlor: Sleeping on the bathmat
giantjeansparlor: Sleeping on the floor
giantjeansparlor: Contemplating
giantjeansparlor: Milhouse staring out the window
giantjeansparlor: Wondering why I'm taking pictures
giantjeansparlor: Milhouse staring out the window
giantjeansparlor: Napping on the fedora
giantjeansparlor: Milhouse staring out the window
giantjeansparlor: Milhouse staring out the window
giantjeansparlor: Milhouse staring out the window
giantjeansparlor: On my desk
giantjeansparlor: Being cute
giantjeansparlor: Poking his nose in the camera
giantjeansparlor: With his favorite shoe
giantjeansparlor: On the floor
giantjeansparlor: On the kitchen floor
giantjeansparlor: On the kitchen floor
giantjeansparlor: Napping in odd positions
giantjeansparlor: Napping in odd positions