Giannis_Drakos: Love heals the wings of a butterfly on a wheel
Giannis_Drakos: Hot under the sun
Giannis_Drakos: No one belongs here more than you
Giannis_Drakos: Lights lights all of the lights
Giannis_Drakos: All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream
Giannis_Drakos: It's only the wind; that listening wind
Giannis_Drakos: The shells that he sells are surely seashells
Giannis_Drakos: Escapism 747
Giannis_Drakos: One day I am going to grow wings
Giannis_Drakos: Where did summer go?
Giannis_Drakos: I miss you but I haven't met you yet
Giannis_Drakos: Summer kisses, winter tears
Giannis_Drakos: I'll do my crying in the rain
Giannis_Drakos: Be still my aching heart
Giannis_Drakos: On the outside, looking in
Giannis_Drakos: Oh, look love, it's raining flowers!
Giannis_Drakos: I need an island, somewhere to sink a stone
Giannis_Drakos: People under the sun like ants on an active volcano
Giannis_Drakos: I close my eyes and Sally's pigeons fly
Giannis_Drakos: And fall even deeper than love
Giannis_Drakos: Leaves on an old Ford Orion
Giannis_Drakos: A certain slant of light
Giannis_Drakos: A red umbrella under the sun
Giannis_Drakos: Transparent roses under the sun
Giannis_Drakos: You hold the light of the world at bay
Giannis_Drakos: Dreaming in metaphors
Giannis_Drakos: Summer’s first breath
Giannis_Drakos: Like the whispering wind you stand here with me
Giannis_Drakos: I still got sand in my shoes