Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: Ar Horqin Grassland Nomadic System in Inner Mongolia, China
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: Aohan Dryland Farming System, China
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: Ar Horquin Nomadic System, China
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: Local community of Andean Agriculture, Cusco-Puno Corridor, Peru
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: Female farmer from Andean Agriculture, Cusco-Puno Corridor, Peru
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: Brazilian woman harvesting flowers in Traditional Agricultural System in the Southern Espinhaço Range, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: Andean Agriculture, Cusco-Puno Corridor, Peru
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: Female famer showing her yield, Andean Agriculture, Cusco - Puno Corridor, Peru
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: China - Ar Horqin Nomadic system
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: Japan - Noto's Satoyama and Satoumi
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: Farmer showing potato yield in Andean Agriculture, Cusco-Puno Corridor, Peru
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: Landscape of Andean Agriculture in Cusco-Puno Corridor, Peru
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: Farmers working in the fields in Andean Agriculture Cusco-Puno Corridor
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: A variety of crops planted in Cusco-Puno Corridor, Peru
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: Andean Agriculture, Cusco-Puno Corridor, Peru
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: Bird view over Cusco-Puno Corridor, Peru
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: Farmer´s cabin in Cusco-Puno Corridor, Peru
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: Lama grazing at Cusco-Puno Corridor, Peru
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: Andean Agriculture, Cusco-Puno Corridor, Peru
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: Bird view over Andean Agriculture, Cusco-Puno Corridor
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: Agrobiodiversity in Cusco-Puno Corridor, Peru
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: Yield from Andean Agriculture, Peru
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: Bokiawan and Nungulunan Rice terraces, Ifugao Rice Terraces, Philippines
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: Elsa Nacod-am and her two daughters transplant rice in Barangay Poblacion in Hungduan, Ifugao Rice Terraces, Philippines
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: Bundles of traditional rice varieties stored in the Community Seed Bank of Barangay Poblacion in Hungduan, Ifugao
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: Ifugao women are able to convert their raw ginger into products, allowing them to reap higher incomes.
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: Irene Pugong of Barangay Poblacion in Hungduan, Ifugao uproots rice seedlings for transplanting