Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: China - Aohan Dryland Farming System
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: China - Xinghua Duotian Agrosystem
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: Algeria - Ghout Oasis system El Oued
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: Bangladesh - Floating Garden Agricultural Practices
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: Brazil - Traditional Agricultural System in the Southern Espinhaço Range, Minas Gerais
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: CHINA - Wannian Traditional Rice Culture
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: China - Dong's Rice Fish Duck System
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: China - Pu’er Traditional Tea Agrosystem
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: China - Kuajishan Ancient Chinese Torreya
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: China - Urban Agricultural Heritage – Xuanhua Grape Garden
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: China - Jiaxian Traditional Chinese Date Gardens
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: China - Fuzhou Jasmine and Tea Culture System
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: China - Diebu Zhagana Agriculture-Forestry-Animal Husbandry Composite System
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: China - Huzhou Mulberry-dyke and Fish Pond System
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: China - Xiajin Yellow River Old Course Ancient Mulberry Grove System
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: China - Rice Terraces in Southern Mountainous and Hilly areas
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: Jammu and Kashmir - Saffron Heritage of Kashmir
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: India - Koraput Traditional Agriculture
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: India - Kuttanad Below Sea Level Farming System
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: Iran - Qanat Irrigated Agricultural Heritage Systems, Kashan
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: Iran - Grape Production System in Jowzan Valley
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: Iran - Qanat-based Saffron Farming System in Gonabad
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: Italy - Soave Traditional Vineyards
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: Japan - Noto's Satoyama and Satoumi
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: Japan - Sado's Satoyama In Harmony With Crested Ibis
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: Japan - Traditional Tea-grass Integrated System in Shizuoka