A Postcard from Heaven Photography: Ori, the little tiger
A Postcard from Heaven Photography: You're wrong. The question is not "How many times can your heart be broken?" The question is "How many times can it heal?"
A Postcard from Heaven Photography: “A home without books is a body without soul.”
A Postcard from Heaven Photography: Sleepy eyes, very sleepy eyes.
A Postcard from Heaven Photography: Bittersweet October. The mellow, messy, leaf-kicking, perfect pause between the opposing miseries of summer and winter.
A Postcard from Heaven Photography: "Nine out of ten people like chocolate. The tenth person always lies."
A Postcard from Heaven Photography: “All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt.” ♥
A Postcard from Heaven Photography: Never ever doubt in Magic. The purest honest thoughts come from children, ask any child if they believe in magic and they will tell you the truth.
A Postcard from Heaven Photography: "Beauty is precious, you see, and the more beautiful something is, the more precious it is; and the more precious it is the more it hurts us that it will fade away; and the more we are hurt by beauty, the more we love the world."
A Postcard from Heaven Photography: “In the silence of night I have often wished for just a few words of love from one man, rather than the applause of thousands of people.” Judy Garland
A Postcard from Heaven Photography: “It was a dream of perfect bliss, / Too beautiful to last.”
A Postcard from Heaven Photography: “For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.” /Judy Garland
A Postcard from Heaven Photography: The most beautiful things in the world can only be felt with the heart.
A Postcard from Heaven Photography: True love creates an "us", without destroying a "me".
A Postcard from Heaven Photography: Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.
A Postcard from Heaven Photography: It's easier to have a relationship with a thousand people than it is to have one with yourself.
A Postcard from Heaven Photography: Friend for a lifetime