GH Rancher: Itororo Lodge, Nova Friburgo
GH Rancher: Brazilian Ruby (F) on feeder
GH Rancher: White-throated Hummingbird
GH Rancher: Black Jacobin perched on tree limb
GH Rancher: Black Jacobin into flower
GH Rancher: Black Jacobin hovering next to flower
GH Rancher: Black Jacobin and bees at feeder
GH Rancher: Black Jacobin mid flight
GH Rancher: Brazilian Ruby (M)
GH Rancher: Scaly-breasted Hermit (side view) in flower
GH Rancher: Scaly-breasted Hermit
GH Rancher: Saffron Toucanet
GH Rancher: Saffron Toucanet side view
GH Rancher: Black Hawk-Eagle
GH Rancher: Saffron Toucanets ( M & F)
GH Rancher: Magpie Tanager
GH Rancher: Blue Dacnis
GH Rancher: Green-headed Tanager
GH Rancher: Three-toed Jacamar
GH Rancher: Dusky-legged Guan
GH Rancher: Blue Dacnis (F)
GH Rancher: Golden-chevroned Tanager
GH Rancher: Burnished-buff Tanager
GH Rancher: Black Jacobin with reflection of feeder in his eye
GH Rancher: Maroon-bellied Parakeets
GH Rancher: Brassy-breasted Tanager
GH Rancher: Pin-tailed Manakin
GH Rancher: Brassy-breasted Tanager
GH Rancher: Scaly-breasted Hermit
GH Rancher: Azure-shouldered Tanager_