GH Rancher: Black-tailed Trogon (M)
GH Rancher: Song Wren
GH Rancher: White-whiskered Puffbird
GH Rancher: Monkey with clinging infant around her neck
GH Rancher: Fasciated Antshrike (F)
GH Rancher: Orange-chinned Parakeet
GH Rancher: Bicolored Antbird
GH Rancher: Gray-headed Tanager
GH Rancher: On Sky Tower @ Pipeline Rd.- Guido, Jacobo & Natalie
GH Rancher: Natalie & Jacobo down the road from LaChunga trail
GH Rancher: Ken w Tamarind
GH Rancher: Mealy Parrots pair in flight
GH Rancher: Keel-billed Toucan (Ramphastos sulfuratus)
GH Rancher: Cinnamon Woodpecker
GH Rancher: LIzard on tree
GH Rancher: Masked Tityra
GH Rancher: Spot-crowned Antvireo (Dysithamnus puncticeps)?
GH Rancher: Dot-winged Antwren (Microrhopias quixensis)
GH Rancher: Black-crowned Antshrike (Thamnophilus atrinucha)
GH Rancher: White-whiskered Puffbird face forward