GH Rancher:
Gila Monster walking along road
GH Rancher:
Arizona Woodpecker climbing to top of snag
GH Rancher:
Arizona Woodpecker climbing tree
GH Rancher:
Arizona Woodpecker in flight
GH Rancher:
Arizona Woodpecker on feeder
GH Rancher:
Arizona Woodpecker on post showing red markings on head
GH Rancher:
Arizona Woodpecker on post
GH Rancher:
Bell's Vireo singing
GH Rancher:
Bell's Vireo
GH Rancher:
Black-capped Gnatcatcher w tail feathers splayed
GH Rancher:
Black-capped Gnatcatcher with frontal view
GH Rancher:
Black-chinned Hummingbird
GH Rancher:
Rivoli’s Hummingbird
GH Rancher:
Bridled Titmouse head down frontal
GH Rancher:
Bridled Titmouse
GH Rancher:
Broad-billed Hummingbird closeup
GH Rancher:
Broad-tailed Hummingbird
GH Rancher:
Brown-crested Flycatcher w yellow breast markings
GH Rancher:
Phainopepla (F or immature)
GH Rancher:
Cassin's Sparrow
GH Rancher:
Dusky-capped Flycatcher
GH Rancher:
Elegant Trogon back view
GH Rancher:
Elegant Trogon (Trogon elegans) beginning flight from perch
GH Rancher:
Elegant Trogon (Trogon elegans) full vertical view
GH Rancher:
Elegant Trogon head view w wind blown feathers
GH Rancher:
Elegant Trogon vertical view perched
GH Rancher:
Elegant Tropon w head cocked to side
GH Rancher:
Gray Hawk on nest
GH Rancher:
Hepatic Tanager (F)?
GH Rancher:
Hepatic Tanager on beam at feeders