GH Rancher: Stygian Owl - Asio stygius
GH Rancher: Stygian Owl - Asio stygius
GH Rancher: Brown-breasted Parakeet
GH Rancher: 040A0425
GH Rancher: Tyrian Metaltail (F)
GH Rancher: 040A0450
GH Rancher: Sword-billed Hummingbird
GH Rancher: 040A0479
GH Rancher: 040A0501
GH Rancher: Tyrian Metaltail
GH Rancher: Apolinar's Wren eating insect
GH Rancher: Chestnut-winged Cinclode
GH Rancher: Tawny Antpitta
GH Rancher: 040A0619
GH Rancher: Bronze-tailed Thornbill
GH Rancher: Bronze-tailed Thornbill
GH Rancher: 040A0670
GH Rancher: 040A0678
GH Rancher: carpet of vegetation at pond shore interrupted by dainty and beautiful blue flowers of the Sumapaz mountains
GH Rancher: 040A0682
GH Rancher: Black-bellied Wren
GH Rancher: White-throated Krake
GH Rancher: Crimson-backed Tanager
GH Rancher: Indigo-capped Hummingbird
GH Rancher: Indigo-capped Hummingbird
GH Rancher: Indigo-capped Hummingbird
GH Rancher: White-bellied Woodstar
GH Rancher: Collared Inca (Coeligena torquata) in green coloring
GH Rancher: Collared Inca
GH Rancher: Bare-faced Ibis