GH Rancher:
Black Turnstone
GH Rancher:
Black Turnstone
GH Rancher:
Black Turnstone
GH Rancher:
Brant Geese
GH Rancher:
Brant Goose adult - Monterey, CA
GH Rancher:
Scenes along the Pacific Grove coast during a birding walk
GH Rancher:
Scenes along the Pacific Grove coast during a birding walk
GH Rancher:
Belted Kingfisher on rock at Pacific Grove coastline
GH Rancher:
Blk Turnstone w clear water ripples
GH Rancher:
Belted Kingfisher on rock at Pacific Grove coastline ( side view)
GH Rancher:
Whimbrel eating along Pacific Grove coastline
GH Rancher:
White-crowned Sparrow
GH Rancher:
White-crowned Sparrow (juvenile)
GH Rancher:
Yellow-rumpled Warbler
GH Rancher:
Sea Nettle beside dock
GH Rancher:
Pelicans stages w reflection of watching pelican Monterey wharf
GH Rancher:
Cassin's Vireo?
GH Rancher:
Brewer's Blackbird side view
GH Rancher:
Brewer's Blackbird (F)
GH Rancher:
Black Turnstone
GH Rancher:
Black Turnstone w shell in beak
GH Rancher:
Black Turnstone w green algae background
GH Rancher:
Coast Range Fence Lizard?
GH Rancher:
Harbor seal on rock with surf spray
GH Rancher:
Heermann's Gull (adult 2nd winter?)
GH Rancher:
Herring Gull
GH Rancher:
Wandering Tattler -top of head perspective
GH Rancher:
Wandering Tattler
GH Rancher:
Black Turnstone - wings uplifted
GH Rancher:
Townsend's Warbler (Setophaga townsendi) on fence