GH Rancher: Common Moorhen
GH Rancher: 040A6154
GH Rancher: 040A6168
GH Rancher: 2 Sandhill Cranes with White Pelicans at Palmer Lake
GH Rancher: Grackle
GH Rancher: Loggerhead Shrike
GH Rancher: Roseate Spoonbill
GH Rancher: Little Blue Heron w fish in back and
GH Rancher: Tri-colored Heron and White Ibis
GH Rancher: Roseate Spoonbill with Great Egrets and White Ibises
GH Rancher: Wood Stork with Roseate Spoonbill
GH Rancher: Common Yellowthroat
GH Rancher: Common Green Darner?
GH Rancher: Common Green Darner
GH Rancher: Sharp-shinned Hawk?
GH Rancher: Purple Gallinule
GH Rancher: Roseate Spoonbill & Wood stock
GH Rancher: Little Blue Heron
GH Rancher: Little Blue Heron
GH Rancher: Reddish Egret at Siesta Beach
GH Rancher: Reddish Egret at Siesta Beech
GH Rancher: Snowy Egret at Siesta Beech
GH Rancher: Wood Stork at Pinecraft Park
GH Rancher: Tufted Titmouse at Pinecraft Park
GH Rancher: Carolina Wren at Pinecraft Park
GH Rancher: Northern Carnidal at Pinecraft Park
GH Rancher: Celery Fields, Sarasota, FL
GH Rancher: Red-shouldered Hawk at Pinecraft Park, Sarasota, FL
GH Rancher: Red-shouldered Hawk
GH Rancher: Northern Cardinal