GH Rancher: Seaside Cinclode at Los Choros
GH Rancher: Gray Fox
GH Rancher: Gray Fox
GH Rancher: The river valley was immense
GH Rancher: meadow of blue flowers coming back from Coloto Toro
GH Rancher: meadow of blue flowers coming back from Coloto Toro
GH Rancher: Loica
GH Rancher: Black-chested Buzzard Eagle
GH Rancher: Coloto Toro fishermen collecting cochayuyo (seaweed)
GH Rancher: White-Throated Turca
GH Rancher: White-throated Turca
GH Rancher: Shoreline near Coloto Toro
GH Rancher: Wind turbines mar view coming back from Coloto Toro visit
GH Rancher: Alley at Hacienda Pangue
GH Rancher: Hacienda Pangue sheep shearing shed
GH Rancher: Supermercado at Hacienda Pangue