GH Rancher:
Spotted tanager
GH Rancher:
Sparkling Violetear
GH Rancher:
Rusty Flowerpiercer
GH Rancher:
Black-chested Buzzard Eagle
GH Rancher:
Red-throated Caracara (Ibycter americanus)
GH Rancher:
Giant Hummingbird
GH Rancher:
Shining Sunbeam
GH Rancher:
Many-Spotted Hummingbird
GH Rancher:
Booted Racket-Tail
GH Rancher:
Many-spotted Hummingbird
GH Rancher:
Andean Motmot (Momotus aequatorialis)
GH Rancher:
GH Rancher:
Paradise Tanager
GH Rancher:
Cock of the Rock
GH Rancher:
White-winged & White-banded Swallows
GH Rancher:
Hoatzin (close cousin of prehistoric birds!)
GH Rancher:
Yellow-rumped Cacique
GH Rancher:
Hanging nests of Yellow-rumped Cacique
GH Rancher:
Masked-crimson Tanager
GH Rancher:
Bluish-Fronted Jacamar
GH Rancher:
Crimson-crested Woodpecker
GH Rancher:
Tropical Kingbird
GH Rancher:
Lyre-tailed Nightjar
GH Rancher:
Southern Caracara
GH Rancher:
Oropendola hanging nests by Cock-of-the-Rock Lodge
GH Rancher:
Long-tailed Tyrant
GH Rancher:
FB close up Peru dipper
GH Rancher:
Russet-backed Oropendola (Psarocolius angustifrons)
GH Rancher:
Ken, Victor (driver) & Steve (Peru's best bird guide)
GH Rancher:
Teri in the jungle