GH Rancher:
Darwin's Chiloé- A Geotourism Adventure
GH Rancher:
Ken with Paula & Teri at Lookout Park ( Private preserve )
GH Rancher:
~ 2,000 ft in the Rain Forest above Chonchie
GH Rancher:
GH Rancher:
GH Rancher:
GH Rancher:
GH Rancher:
Magellanic Woodpecker
GH Rancher:
For banner DC Twitter site
GH Rancher:
Bird expert, Luis Espinosa, in Puerto Varas
GH Rancher:
Chepu-Teri-Fernando looking at map
GH Rancher:
Frutillar view of Osorno from iPhone
GH Rancher:
GH Rancher:
Adrian Turner- Dick Leatherbee-Teri GrafPulvino-Jasper Page-David Page
GH Rancher:
Interview of Teri at Puerto Montt fish market
GH Rancher:
Vendors at Puerto Montt market
GH Rancher:
fish market in Puerto Montt
GH Rancher:
produce at Puerto Montt market
GH Rancher:
Buying yarn at Quinchao beach from sheep farmer
GH Rancher:
Dick Leatherbee & Luis Espinosa
GH Rancher:
Dick sharing a funny idea at Quilquico
GH Rancher:
Luis celebrating his daughters' birthday with Teri
GH Rancher:
Great crew of the Ana Villosa
GH Rancher:
David Page pointing out sea life to son Jasper outside of Achao harbor
GH Rancher:
What's in the water?
GH Rancher:
Charles Gauntt with David Page en route to Achao from Quellon
GH Rancher:
Ana Maria Jaramillo sharing Chiloé stories
GH Rancher:
Teri inside the Ana Villosa with the geotourists
GH Rancher:
Luis Espinosa with Jasper Page
GH Rancher:
Dick & Tracy at end of the Pan American Highway