ghostkamera: Marc Meon enjoying a smoke break
ghostkamera: the glare of family
ghostkamera: ANN LEEves
ghostkamera: anger and cheek
ghostkamera: anko and oystein in paradise
ghostkamera: fast lights slow
ghostkamera: the mist encircles and encompasses
ghostkamera: breakfast in mark e. smith land
ghostkamera: drums soaked in flour
ghostkamera: the cloud boys
ghostkamera: hilma awash with colours
ghostkamera: Mr Meon takes a break.
ghostkamera: jan is immortalised by the strange glow of marble
ghostkamera: the couple
ghostkamera: Oystein in a rainbow
ghostkamera: pure red and pure green cut by pure water
ghostkamera: laptops obscuring traffic
ghostkamera: sky turns dark in corners
ghostkamera: blue ashtrays
ghostkamera: Jan, the forebearer of fashion to the ignorant danes.
ghostkamera: a river runs through it
ghostkamera: einar disappears in a green vapour
ghostkamera: norwegian majesty
ghostkamera: the joys of summer
ghostkamera: eivind and the bislett van
ghostkamera: a sun soaked einar
ghostkamera: Mr. Meon
ghostkamera: H.P. and Eivind sampling Flekkefjords finest.
ghostkamera: mulling it over
ghostkamera: the entrance to heaven