ghostkamera: sweaters match chairs
ghostkamera: the enthusiasm just leaps off the page
ghostkamera: the wife of a friend
ghostkamera: stella art-what?
ghostkamera: steve sandoval
ghostkamera: he hails from kortrijk
ghostkamera: networks and take-aways
ghostkamera: soundmen have fun too
ghostkamera: sleep is precious on tour
ghostkamera: chaos and telephone calls
ghostkamera: the bog
ghostkamera: on the tourbus
ghostkamera: caught having a nap on the job
ghostkamera: singer of maritime
ghostkamera: laura palmer speaks incoherantly in the distance
ghostkamera: one muses, the other peruses
ghostkamera: the imperceptible glow
ghostkamera: the loss of feeling
ghostkamera: the man behind the camera is now infront
ghostkamera: backstage mayhem
ghostkamera: the hope of tomorrow
ghostkamera: aalborg backstage area
ghostkamera: alice kendall
ghostkamera: shock and awe
ghostkamera: the sparkling fun of tour life
ghostkamera: rene de vries
ghostkamera: the ex-moonlake boys take drags and stare
ghostkamera: maritimes driver
ghostkamera: alan chews glass frequently
ghostkamera: lasse bathed in the hues of a wild sunset