Seth Walot: DSCF0032
Seth Walot: DSCF0003
Seth Walot: DSCF0024
Seth Walot: DSCF0006
Seth Walot: DSCF0031
Seth Walot: DSCF0001
Seth Walot: yay! mom!
Seth Walot: DSCF0022
Seth Walot: DSCF0020
Seth Walot: DSCF0029
Seth Walot: DSCF0009
Seth Walot: DSCF0023
Seth Walot: is it really neccessary to name all these?
Seth Walot: yeah. white is nice
Seth Walot: whoa...
Seth Walot: i really like that man
Seth Walot: it just goes on and on
Seth Walot: no way..
Seth Walot: 1 tulip.. AH AH AH!
Seth Walot: tulips..
Seth Walot: meh... who even cares about naming any more.
Seth Walot: yeah... look at that industry
Seth Walot: metaphors and allusions
Seth Walot: oh geeez.....
Seth Walot: oh my stars... its like tulips!
Seth Walot: you know.. like tulips man...
Seth Walot: oh man, its tulips...
Seth Walot: oh dude...... wha'?.. tuuuuuulips, man!
Seth Walot: what is that! my good man, its a tulip!