Fringe Society: Welcome to New England.
Fringe Society: And everyday she'd go to the river with a message in a bottle saying 'Please, God help me I don't wanna live to see tomorrow' - Eyedea
Fringe Society: The X on my treasure map.
Fringe Society: Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you. Charlotte Whitton
Fringe Society: Hell hath no fury like nature scorned.
Fringe Society: If not now, then when.
Fringe Society: Home is where the heart is.
Fringe Society: Those who live long days reap the rewards. (explore)
Fringe Society: A Moment behind Fourth Cliff.
Fringe Society: Watkins Glen National Park. (explore)
Fringe Society: Milky Way over Mt Rainier.
Fringe Society: If you want to shine like a sun, first burn like a sun. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam(explore)
Fringe Society: Together.
Fringe Society: Nahant Ma, Great Ledge.
Fringe Society: Bash Bish Falls
Fringe Society: Blacks Creek Quincy Ma
Fringe Society: You got to go down a lot of wrong roads to find the right one. Bob Parsons (Explore)
Fringe Society: I exist on the fringe, where legends go to reminisce about the past.
Fringe Society: Goldmine Brook Falls
Fringe Society: We triumph without glory when we conquer without danger. - Pierre Corneille