Christopher J May: Grain Elevators and Road - Venango, NE
Christopher J May: Grain Elevators and Corn - Venango, NE
Christopher J May: Grain Elevators - Venango, NE
Christopher J May: Concrete Silos
Christopher J May: Grain Elevator Power - Venango, NE
Christopher J May: Cozad Grain Elevator
Christopher J May: Cool Grain Elevator in Albion
Christopher J May: Peavey Grain Elevator - Cozad, NE
Christopher J May: Gothenburg, NE
Christopher J May: Moving the Grain
Christopher J May: Grain Elevator - Oswego, IL
Christopher J May: Grain Elevator - Kanco, KS
Christopher J May: Truck and Elevator - Kanco, KS
Christopher J May: Grain Elevators - Horace, KS
Christopher J May: Grain Elevator - Horace, KS
Christopher J May: Steel and Concrete Elevators - Horace, KS
Christopher J May: Elevator Generations - Tribune, KS
Christopher J May: The Old Guard
Christopher J May: Union Pacific Stack Train and Grain Elevator - Brule, NE
Christopher J May: Grain Elevator - Ogallala, NE
Christopher J May: Grain Elevator - Roscoe, NE
Christopher J May: Grain Elevator - Paxton, NE
Christopher J May: Union Pacific Train and Elevators - Gothenburg, NE
Christopher J May: End of an Elevator I - Gothenburg, NE
Christopher J May: End of an Elevator II - Gothenburg, NE
Christopher J May: End of an Elevator III - Gothenburg, NE
Christopher J May: End of an Elevator IV - Gothenburg, NE
Christopher J May: Grain Elevator and Farm Implements - Willow Island, NE
Christopher J May: Union Pacific Train and Grain Elevator - Willow Island, NE
Christopher J May: Ford and Grain Elevator Driveway - Willow Island, NE