ghm575: @artpace is special - my fortune to be in charge - #ChalkItUp and more @artpace #ChalkItUp #ciuhaiku #sanantonio #haiku #weareartpace
ghm575: I'm drawing my ear - then casting my ear in gold - (budget permitting) @artpace #ChalkItUp #ciuhaiku #sanantonio #haiku #artistinresidence #weareartpace
ghm575: Pushing brooms is not - chic but dry streets make for chalk - opportunities @artpace #ChalkItUp #ciuhaiku #sanantonio #haiku #bestvolunteerawardgoesto
ghm575: Maggie you are great - so special to all of us - we love you dearly @artpace #ChalkItUp #ciuhaiku #sanantonio #haiku
ghm575: Love blooms through - even in the dark - the extranamos #grandpa @artpace #ChalkItUp #ciuhaiku #sanantonio #haiku
ghm575: Artful - art for all abilities - join us next weekend!! @artpace #ChalkItUp #ciuhaiku #sanantonio #haiku #artfulstart
ghm575: A bright sunny day - and art all over the street - my family loves this @artpace #ChalkItUp #ciuhaiku #sanantonio #haiku
ghm575: My sister is so brave - Autumn is strong, kind, courageous, smart woman - the best person I know @artpace #ChalkItUp #ciuhaiku #sanantonio #haiku
ghm575: I am creative - because I draw butterflies - purple and orange @artpace #ChalkItUp #ciuhaiku #sanantonio #haiku
ghm575: To love one another - the way he loved us so much - true meaning of life @artpace #ChalkItUp #ciuhaiku #sanantonio #haiku
ghm575: #HEB is life - I have worked there for months - my name is Adri @artpace #ChalkItUp #ciuhaiku #sanantonio #haiku
ghm575: The beautiful world - cannot exist without art - it's a masterpiece @artpace #ChalkItUp #ciuhaiku #sanantonio #haiku #oursentimentsexactly
ghm575: Kaitlyn and Mandy - love to hang out and have fun - tacos are yummy @artpace #ChalkItUp #ciuhaiku #sanantonio #haiku
ghm575: Shoes don't match sometimes - socks are often recalcitrant - #boogiewonderland @artpace #ChalkItUp #ciuhaiku #sanantonio #haiku
ghm575: This man likes pizza - and this lady likes ice cream - and I like cheesecake @artpace #ChalkItUp #ciuhaiku #sanantonio #haiku
ghm575: The BEST volunteers #argogroup forever!!! Together we strive - to be the best we can be - to keep courage live! @artpace #ChalkItUp #ciuhaiku #sanantonio #haiku @lifeatargogroup
ghm575: #plannedparenthood is good - #wholewomenshealth and #lilith too - women's health matters @artpace #ChalkItUp #ciuhaiku #sanantonio #haiku
ghm575: Las personas son - Lo mejor que existe - en Este Mundo @artpace #ChalkItUp #ciuhaiku #sanantonio #haiku
ghm575: Olivia is - outstanding master builder - happy, funny kid! @artpace #ChalkItUp #ciuhaiku #sanantonio #haiku
ghm575: Grab a piece of chalk if not she will harass you - good job, you did it! @artpace #ChalkItUp #ciuhaiku #sanantonio #haiku #airforce
ghm575: Welcome to Houston (st) - get ready to #ChalkItUp - come haiku with us!!! @artpace #ciuhaiku #sanantonio #haiku
ghm575: For you to walk through - grab any color of chalk - stop, drop and haiku! @artpace #ChalkItUp #ciuhaiku #sanantonio #haiku #settingaline
ghm575: My groceries are - always fresh and lower price - I love #HEB @artpace #ChalkItUp #ciuhaiku #sanantonio #haiku #erikarocks
ghm575: Humble sage in mind - parenting is exhausting - I really need sleep @artpace #ChalkItUp #ciuhaiku #sanantonio #haiku #featuredartist #joelturtlecruz
ghm575: Hawaiian lei means - peace, love and friendship cause we - make the world better @artpace #ChalkItUp #ciuhaiku #sanantonio #haiku #girlscouts
ghm575: Manuela's gone - her big heart-warming smile - now shines in heaven @artpace #ChalkItUp #ciuhaiku #sanantonio #haiku #grandma
ghm575: #momsdemandaction - #gunsense in America - please put down your guns @artpace #ChalkItUp #ciuhaiku #sanantonio #haiku
ghm575: #Judson is hungry - a strawberry sucker helps - Art's food for the soul @artpace #ChalkItUp #ciuhaiku #sanantonio #haiku #teamworks
ghm575: Agents of Haiku!!!! @artpace #ChalkItUp #ciuhaiku #sanantonio #haiku #volunteers
ghm575: Om away from home - stretch your body and your mind - yoga off the mat #haiku #sanantonio @artpace #ChalkItUp #ciuhaiku @mobileom