ghm575: You are my sunshine - You bring me up to the sky - And fill me with dreams
ghm575: ... Our humanity matters ...
ghm575: I have helped children - In the Phillipines right now - Alternative school!
ghm575: Bought some books at Strand - Have too many books at home - Now I have three more.
ghm575: Posing with the Haiku
ghm575: welcome to New York - construction workers working - cars are very loud
ghm575: I am good at Chess - I have played it since morning - Let's play together!
ghm575: Inveterate book-buyer ;-)
ghm575: Welcome to New York - fast cars bright lights and love here - Go to Toys R Us
ghm575: Mid-Haiku
ghm575: Stop for a second - Let's celebrate this moment - Your life is so fun
ghm575: Team Joan and Shadi!
ghm575: Oh how the cloud sailed - I danced to music madly - when you said nothing
ghm575: Mother and Daughter
ghm575: Collaborative Haiku
ghm575: Birds are in the grass - grass is very high and green - I love to see it!
ghm575: How peaceful park is - Here is the right place to read - The book must be good
ghm575: Agent with her Haiku!
ghm575: Surprised in the act!