ghm575: From Above:
ghm575: in the VIllage
ghm575: Jeff with Chair 'ku
ghm575: Jesse throws down
ghm575: Truth!
ghm575: The Haiku Challenge begins!
ghm575: Group Huddle
ghm575: Team Fridge
ghm575: Brainstorming session in the Kitchen
ghm575: We love you too!
ghm575: The Wily Stair Crew
ghm575: Draft 1...they changed their minds later!
ghm575: From the Organizers
ghm575: One team's first try...
ghm575: Then they got prolific...
ghm575: 2-Part Haiku
ghm575: Jeff goes Creative!
ghm575: Giving Props
ghm575: Crescent City
ghm575: Men and their Handiwork
ghm575: Close-up
ghm575: Using books as Inspiration
ghm575: The Books
ghm575: the Stair Crew
ghm575: Their Beauty