ghirson: RMI Webcam
ghirson: RMI Courtyard
ghirson: Site of the future RMI Vineyard
ghirson: A forest of shrubs
ghirson: Chardling
ghirson: Cabbage, in a row
ghirson: Bee, Spanish Lavender
ghirson: Swiss Chard
ghirson: RMI
ghirson: RMI
ghirson: Crane
ghirson: RMI North
ghirson: Construction work on the roof
ghirson: Caldendula
ghirson: Celery
ghirson: New Winery
ghirson: Vineyards
ghirson: New Winery
ghirson: Gardens
ghirson: Sheet metal
ghirson: Air grate
ghirson: Glasses
ghirson: Sitting in the Sensory Building
ghirson: Vestibule
ghirson: Vestibule
ghirson: New Olive Tree
ghirson: Flowers
ghirson: Black Eyed Susans
ghirson: Vineyard work
ghirson: Working on a winery