ghirson: Three Sherries
ghirson: Bodegas Castillo Jerez de Frontera
ghirson: Bodegas del Diezmo Nuevo
ghirson: Vino Tonico Aperitivo y Digestivo
ghirson: Vino Tostado Gallego
ghirson: Sherries
ghirson: Blue Glass
ghirson: Sherries
ghirson: Siphon setup
ghirson: Introductions
ghirson: Audience
ghirson: Emertius and otherwise
ghirson: Students
ghirson: Singleton and Corti
ghirson: IMG_4951-g
ghirson: Pouring
ghirson: Introduction by Waterhouse
ghirson: Corti as a grape vine
ghirson: Mr. Corti
ghirson: Attentive Audience
ghirson: Corti smelling
ghirson: back row
ghirson: notes
ghirson: Marcharnudo Jerez - Jose Pemartin
ghirson: Jerez de la Frontera - Marques de Misa
ghirson: Jerez Seco N. 2 - Agustin Blazquez
ghirson: Salus Sherry Tonic - Ricardo de Valderrama
ghirson: Vinos Finos - Sancho
ghirson: Vino Tostado Gallego - J. Luis Mondina
ghirson: Solera India - Osborne