ghirson: Betty on the way to Humboldt
ghirson: Relaxing after dinner
ghirson: Breakfast
ghirson: Our campsite
ghirson: Happy dog
ghirson: Jonas
ghirson: Breakfast
ghirson: Boo
ghirson: Jackie photographs
ghirson: Scott
ghirson: Me
ghirson: Betty
ghirson: Jonas and Betty
ghirson: Juice
ghirson: Martha and Jonas
ghirson: Jackie
ghirson: Making coffee
ghirson: Scott eating
ghirson: Scott
ghirson: Martha and Jonas
ghirson: Eating Breakfast
ghirson: Jenny, Steve and Boo
ghirson: Cows and Boo Boo
ghirson: Cows
ghirson: Dragon
ghirson: Dragon breathing fire
ghirson: Rollerskaters
ghirson: Man on stilts
ghirson: Perched
ghirson: Octomom